[.018] Roadmap to Speaking Success

(So, I had this to be posted a week ago but only today I realized its status was “private” -_____- Yep, I’m clumsy like that.)


This week I hadn’t much free time to study and when I had it, I just wanted to sleep or to read my current book (it’s called Red Rising, I’m finishing the first one and I really recommend it). I first started reading it in English (don’t know why, but the English version was cheaper and easier to find than the Portuguese one ._. and it’s not even a well-known trilogy here in my country .__.’) and now I’m finishing it in Portuguese cause I felt like I wasn’t fully enjoying it in English… I’m not fluent in English, but I never felt like that while reading other books. Even when I was reading 1984, that’s a more “complex” book, I could enjoy and understand it completely… ._. Weird.

Anyway, as I said, I’m going to review KDA’s the “Roadmap to Speaking Success” program today 🙂

So, to start, I just got enrolled after seeing a few people giving good reviews about it for a while. They sometimes kinda sound like those products full of fake promises we see on TV, as I said before. Honestly speaking, their ‘design’ was what got me unsure about them when I first saw their website. It seemed like those scam sites, where they ask your infos promising they’ll share the secret of life with you and when you realize, you lost your money. It’s not the case here, fortunately.

About the “Roadmap to Speaking Success” program itself: I do like it so far. I didn’t try their videos yet, so I can only talk about their program. It’s composed of 7 .pdf files, one for each day of the week (but it’s not a problem if you need/want to take longer than that). Each file has a few steps and how much time you’d need to do it, approximately.

It’s kinda like:

~ STEP 1 (5 minutes): Review the words you memorized yesterday to make sure you can still say them from memory.

~ STEP 2 (5 minutes): Memorize FOUR MORE words from that list (that you don’t already know).

~ STEP 3 (10 minutes): Watch the ‘bla bla bla (fictional name)’ video; keep general notes on things mentioned.

It’s kinda like having a teacher guiding you and saying what you should do next. It’s good for me because I often get “lost” while studying, not knowing what I should do next to “fix” things better. I’m trying to combine it with things that I do already and that I know that works for me. I guess I’ll set a new schedule for me, since the last one wasn’t successful ㅠ-ㅠ

Overall, I do recommend it. It’s a simple study guide and may be useful if you don’t have one already. My only complaint is that I can’t download the last two .pdf… I already sent them an email and got no response yet 😦

That’s it! 🙂 ♥


[.018] Roadmap to Speaking Success

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