[.011] New book from TTMIK! 한글마스터!


Today I received a new book from TTMIK, yay! Ok, it may not be really new for you, but I pre-ordered it a few months ago and it just arrived today ㅠ__ㅠ



The book is called: “한글마스터 (Hangeul Master)”, and it’s meant for total beginners. I bought it because I have a really hard time trying to read handwritten hangul and this book has some tips and exercises on this issue, so I thought it’d be helpful.

It has 158 pages and 73 are just covering the basic of writing hangul. History of hangul, how to pronouce it, the strokes order, hints to help you remember it, how it sounds like, where it’s located on the syllable block, new words and exercises, etc… It’s really full of details and I really think that if I had a book like this when I first tried learning hangul, it would’ve been a lot easier! 🙂  Here are some photos (sorry about the crappy quality ;-; it’s night here already and my phone camera isn’t good):

For the handwriting part of it, I think it’s almost as good as the basic part 🙂  It has a lot of examples of handwritten letters, really useful tips to understand some combinations when they’re handwritten and a lot of exercises. ❤

Also, this book has some “Time-Out” sections, where you can read some interesting facts about korean language! My favorite one is about “Abbreviations in korean slang”, ㅎㅎㅎ


Overall, I like this book. I mean, it’s from TTMIK, so it can’t be bad, right? ㅋㅋ But as I’m not a total beginner anymore, I think I’ll just read and try the handwritten exercises and give the book to any beginner friend who will really enjoy it ^^~

I bought it here: Hangeul Master – My Korean Store~ If you’re a total beginner or if you’re just a beginner that is still struggling with hangul, you should really give it a try! 🙂

That’s it for today! ^^

[.011] New book from TTMIK! 한글마스터!

5 thoughts on “[.011] New book from TTMIK! 한글마스터!

  1. I know you posted this a while ago, but I’m going to comment anyway. Haha.

    I am SO bad at reading Korean handwriting. A lot of it doesn’t even look Korean to me, so I was excited when TTMIK came out with this book. I haven’t bought it, but I’m definitely thinking about it. I don’t have any way to study handwriting, so I think it would probably be a good investment.

    Now that time has passed, do you like it? Rather, was it helpful? 😀

    1. 안녕하세요!~ ^^
      I’m still having problems reading handwritten korean but after using this book, I think my reading really improved 🙂 There are a lot of things I still can’t understand, but I think it’s because I can’t practice much (or maybe it’s because the person that wrote what I’m reading has a bad handwriting, lol)… If you like kpop, there’s a way you can study handriting ^^ Some idols like to write letters to their fans on some special occasions… If you try searching “kpop handwritten letters” on google, I guess you’ll get some of them. 😉

    2. I just read your blog and I guess you do like kpop, hahaha Especially Shinee, right? ^^ I’m not really a fan, but my boyfriend likes a lot of their songs :3

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